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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Here and Now

He used to wake up from the sound of a motorized pedicab, the crow of a rooster, the sound of falling fruit against their corrugated galvanized iron long span above or the long ear-shattering revving of the neighbors fuel trucks starting their day or just the dime sized raindrops against the said corrugated galvanized iron, (which by-the-way makes you sleepier). Now it’s the sound of the train at 5:30 am, the humming bristles of the motorized street sweeper, the inconsiderate jack hammering (hey I’m awake and doing my job so who cares), or the wailing sound of the fire brigade, to save some old woman’s kitty cat and that dammed Westminster chime of the clock tower at the train station. He doesn’t miss the noise; in fact it is home for him, just in a different perspective. An example happened a while ago but made him think, is this where my taxes go? You be the judge.

P.S. this was to save a neon sign that had a dead pigeon shorting its circuit, It itook 6 fire trucks and a whole road to be closed plus another 6 police cars to put the smoke out. Which BTW, was less than making ihaw pork ribs! Go figure.


exskindiver said...

is it really true that dime sized raindrops on corrugated galvanized iron makes you sleepier?
can i get that in a 5'3 by 1 sleep chamber?
do they deliver?
and if so, will they install me in it?

Charissa said...

Welcome to America!Priorities are different.