Last week we suffered the miscarriage of our first child.
The loss of the fetus is a danger many pregnant women face but miscarriage is not a subject easily discussed.
The human dimensions of the loss is difficult to discuss when we can not begin to recognize and understand the magnitude of our silent sorrow.
The emotional pain she has and is going through is unmistakable.
I share this with her.
The unfulfilled promise of life remains a question we can not answer.
I am at a loss for words.
Thanks darling. We will be excited again and share that joy when it comes.
Dear Teddy and Gigi:
We know and we feel and we want to reach out to you to tell you that your loss is our loss and that of the rest of the family. But we have no doubt that your pain will turn to joy...and soon... we love you...
Daddy and Mommy
There is sunshine after the that's a promise of life. Please allow me to share the pain and the STRENGTH that will stem from it.
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